We offer you a broad array of brand protection solutions that will help you safeguard your brand from both existing and evolving counterfeit practices.
Download BrochureRequest InformationRFID tags not only delivers benefits for retailers such as the reduction of "out of stock" occurrences, increase of product availability and shorter sales cycles, but it also provides benefits at the manufacturer level by allowing a more efficient and quicker production planning, monitoring and warehouse management.
Finotex offers the possibility of generating unique QR codes and incorporating them into any identification product, allowing your customers to verify the authenticity of the garment, regardless of where it is purchased.
We offer UV-reactive yarns that can be used as another yarn within the design and when exposed to black light they change color.
UV inks add security to your labels because they are almost imperceptible under conventional light. When exposed to ultraviolet light, the hidden design printed with the ink becomes visible.
UV inks add security to your labels because they are almost imperceptible under conventional light. When exposed to ultraviolet light, the hidden design printed with the ink becomes visible.
We offer UV-reactive yarns that can be used as another yarn within the design and when exposed to black light they change color.
RFID tags not only delivers benefits for retailers such as the reduction of "out of stock" occurrences, increase of product availability and shorter sales cycles, but it also provides benefits at the manufacturer level by allowing a more efficient and quicker production planning, monitoring and warehouse management.
Finotex offers the possibility of generating unique QR codes and incorporating them into any identification product, allowing your customers to verify the authenticity of the garment, regardless of where it is purchased.